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5 Ways to Savor the Last of Summer


1. Spend Time Outdoors

Summer is short, so spend some time soaking up these warmer days in whatever ways feel comfortable to you. That might look like a morning walk in your neighborhood or around a local lake, enjoying dinner on the patio with family and friends, or just taking a moment to step outside and breathe in the fresh air between meetings or tasks. Outside time can contribute to improvements in mood, cognitive functioning and overall mental wellness. We all have varied tolerance for the heat, but research shows that spending as little as 20 minutes a day outdoors can help to reduce stress, so find something that works for you.


2. Try Something New

What have you always wanted to check out? Summer offers many indoor and outdoor experiences, many for free. Think of those bucket list items, big or small, and make a plan for something realistic to cross off your list over the next few weeks. Maybe you want to visit a sunflower farm, see a movie at a drive through, or feel the thrill of skydiving. Trying new things helps us to expand our horizons, learn new things and build confidence in doing things we have never done before. And what a great way to round out the season than with an adventure!


3. Reach Out to a Friend or Family Member You’ve Been Meaning to Connect With

You might want someone to accompany you as you try something new or spend time exploring outdoors. This could be a great opportunity to reach out to someone you miss or have been meaning to make plans with. Life goes by quickly and we are often so wrapped up in our own to-do’s that we push aside some of the most important things in life, like our personal relationships. Making time to be with the ones we love increases our sense of belonging and purpose, and keeps our support networks strong.


4. Be Intentional About Your Time

You may not feel you have time, energy or resources to devote to more Summer fun but that doesn't mean you can't savor what remains of the season any less than the rest of us. Being intentional helps us prioritize how we use our most valuable resource, our time. Whether you can devote a day, an hour, or just a moment to soaking in the season anything can help. We can all get stuck in the trap of scrolling or distraction and regret how we spent our time. Being aware and intentional can help us refocus our attention in ways that are more meaningful to us.


5. Reflect on Your Experiences Since Spring

With the hustle and bustle of life we can forget to be present and reflective. For many the Summer flies by as we so quickly move from one thing to the next. Take a moment to sit with your experiences from this Summer. What were some highs and lows? What did you learn? Did you have any new experiences or friendships forged? Think about what you can take away from this season, what you want to carry forward, and what you are ok with leaving behind. 


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